A commonly asked question on the different internet forums has to do with the top end oiling problems that the Ford Y has been noted for over the years. Some of the answers are the result of years of misinformation and urban myths and have nothing to do with the actual reasons. And still other answers have to do with the disdain of this family of Ford engines and what the responder feels is the apparent need to swap the Ford Y out of the vehicle and replaced with anything else. But regardless, that top end oiling problem did and still does exist on some Ford Y engines. The occasional core engine does still show up here with those overhead oiling lines on it so that’s always a reminder that top end oiling issues are not only something that cropped up back in the day but is still with us today on the Ford Y family of engines. And I do still get the random call from someone with a freshly rebuilt or low mileage Ford Y that is not oiling at one or both of the rocker arms.
Here is the short list of probable causes for top end oiling issues.
- Rocker shaft orientation
- Improper cam bearing install
- Shallow camshaft journal groove
- Soft cam bearing babbitt
- Stopped up oil galley(s)
- Low oil pressure
- Cam journal groove is not aligned with oil feed hole