What was originally planned as a simple cylinder head test on the 312 dyno mule ended up being a test that ultimately involved over two dozen different sets of cylinder heads. While part of this testing was a precursor to determining which pair of heads were to be used for an extensive exhaust system test, the remainder of the cylinder head test was to answer some questions about the significance of milling and porting on some of the various heads. This test saw no fewer than thirty different head changes on the engine as some of those pairs of heads were reworked differently between the tests or were reinstalled as part of the base-lining that was being performed to insure that the engine performance was remaining constant.
Continue reading “Cylinder Head Testing – Part 1”Tag: Karol Miller
Unported Iron Heads Can Still Make Over A HP To The Cubic Inch
By using just the right combination of parts, exceeding that magic 1HP to cubic inch ratio is indeed possible while still doing it with a pair of unported iron Ford Y-Block heads. The key here is in using a modern piston ring design and maximizing the compression ratio while still being able to have an engine that will run on available pump gasoline. Not to be left out are the intake, carburetor, camshaft, and cylinder head choices which are also just as important.
Continue reading “Unported Iron Heads Can Still Make Over A HP To The Cubic Inch”
Y-Block Ford – Dual Quad Testing on Aluminum Heads – Part II
With the iron 113 heads on the dyno mule, the Edelbrock #257 2X4 intake that had been ported by Joe Craine did exceed those numbers generated by the stock Mummert intake and single four barrel carb combination. Now it was time to install the aluminum heads on the 312+ dyno mule and see how those same dual quad manifolds would fare. Continue reading “Y-Block Ford – Dual Quad Testing on Aluminum Heads – Part II”
Y-Block Ford – Dual Quad Testing on Iron Heads – Part I
With the resurgence of the Ford Y engine making a comeback as a viable replacement power plant for more than just mid-Fifties Fords, there is suddenly a demand for both modern performance and old school looks being in the same package. Continue reading “Y-Block Ford – Dual Quad Testing on Iron Heads – Part I”
The Ford Y-Block engine
This is a first in a series of articles about engine families and their history/ idiosyncrasies. Eaton Balancing offers services for all types of engines. Continue reading “The Ford Y-Block engine”